What's New in iBank 5?
Take a look at these new and improved features:
Connect to more banks than ever. Besides better connections for direct downloads, iBank 5 adds Direct Access to get updates from thousands of banks and syncs that data with iBank for iPad 2.
Pay bills with a click. iBank 5 delivers online bill pay to set up, schedule and send payments, track those transactions, and categorize the expenses.
Budget for prosperity. With an all-new data model for budgeting, you can build savings, track spending, monitor progress daily, incorporate scheduled income and bills, compare goals vs. results, and sync your budgets to iBank for iPad.
Single-button updating. With the Update Everything button on the toolbar, one click imports new transactions from all connected accounts, syncs devices, updates securities prices and downloads Direct Access data.
Stay on top of your expenses. Tell iBank how far in advance to notify you ahead of bills and scheduled transactions. Integration with Reminders and Notification Center alerts you before each due date. Never miss another payment!
Track investments like a pro. For all types of securities, take advantage of iBank's powerful investment analysis and reports. iBank 5 tracks bonds and options, and improves reporting on investment income.
Track all your finances in one place. iBank includes tools for accurately keeping tabs on all of your real-world accounts: checking, savings, credit cards, loans, investments and more.
Take control of your financial life. Set scheduled transactions, eliminate duplicates from downloads, attach files to any transactions, print checks, export to TurboTax and more.
Update your records with ease. Use iBank's integrated browser to import transactions from your bank's website, or download directly from your financial institution. With new inline importing, everything goes straight into your register.
See where your money goes. Assign categories or sub-categories to all transactions, use enhanced import rules for speedy categorization, and split transactions multiple ways for detailed tracking and reporting.
Sync data with your iPhone or iPad. iBank for iPhone and iBank for iPad apps deliver better finance management on the go.
Set up in a snap. Import from Quicken or start from scratch - iBank's streamlined setup assistant will have your accounts ready in no time.
...and much more! Click "Getting Started" at left to learn about how to begin with iBank 5.