Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
iBank users often write to us with the following questions. Check here first to see if someone else has already asked your question!
Updating, upgrading, installing, & registering
- How do I update iBank?
- When will I have to upgrade?
- Why won't iBank accept my registration?
- What if my free trial expires? Will I lose all of my data?
- Can I install iBank on more than one computer?
Managing documents
- Why won't iBank open my document automatically?
- Does iBank save my data automatically?
- Can two or more people share the same iBank document?
Accounts & transactions
- Can I change account types?
- Can I rename items in the source list?
- How do I see all transactions in a category for specific dates?
- What keyboard shortcuts are available in iBank?
- Can I download quotes for non-U.S. securities?
- Why can't I add income categories to my budget?
- Do you recommend a particular check stock?
- Why does iBank attempt to contact "" at startup?
- Does iBank integrate with NeatReceipts?
If you still can't find the answer to your question, try using the search box at the top right of this window, or contact us.